Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Trip

Once again I have run out of time; between running, homework, FBLA, church, skiing, tennis, and eating, I have a hard time finding the precious minutes needed to write a well developed blog. My limit on those is about one or two a week, and those can only be written on weekends. So instead, I thought I would direct you to my good friend Andrew's summary of the trip. It has many pictures and a brief description of each days activities... So check it out: http://andresbosque.blogspot.com/2008/12/footlocker-invitational-2008.html

My personal take on the race is two posts down, and I hope to have an official video up in about a week or so. Until then, enjoy Andrew's take on the trip (Derek also has one, so feel free to check his out:http://runningcroft.blogspot.com/2008/12/footlocker.html)

1 comment:

Aoi Sakura said...

Just as long as you get one up at some point... I'm looking forward to it. :)