Monday, March 9, 2009

The Unstoppables.

That is what we called ourselves; The Unstoppables. Well, not really. But it sounds catchy, eh? Derek emailed me this picture of fifth grade debate at Regionals. It brought back so many great memories about the debate and elementary school in general... My little tie, the black binder, Mrs. Sudbury and her Jazz fetish. Those were the good old days. I can't help but to wish we were still there, considering all the fun that was had. I fondly remember playing baseball, soccer, football, and DING BALL at recess. If only we had half an hour breaks to relax these days... Elementary school was also marked by great teachers, little to no homework, great great friends, and of course, debate trophies.

Oh, and not to mention, how much more attractive I was...

check out Derek's more detailed account of elementary school debate at:


Derek said...

ha ha I like it dude, that's what we're calling ourselves from now on, The Unstoppables!

Jeffrey Bennett said...

You may have enjoyed elementary school, and I'm glad you did.

I hated it.

In fact, I hated middle school too.

It gives me hope to see that there are a few people that managed to enjoy themselves during elementary school. After seeing what the school system has done to my brother, I am worried for my sisters.

Unknown said...

well if you werent just the cutest little debater that i have ever seen!!! precious!!!
i miss you brd.