Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Voice Party

It is that time of the year again, student body elections. Here at the U of U, things get pretty exciting in March. I'm not usually one to dive into such events, but many of my good friends are running under 'The Voice Party', so when they asked me to help by making daily videos, I could not refuse. Here is the first installment of 'The Student Voice Movement.'


Jeffrey Bennett said...

This is one thing you guys do better than we do here in Provo. For our BYUSA elections, we just had two candidate pairs, "Greenburg and Steele" and "Taylor and Courtney." We were treated to a lot of people passing out flyers and people playing the violin, but it didn't feel like a real election. This seems a lot more like a real election.

Brad said...

Really? Are you involved with BYUSA at all? That is too bad, I'm sure you would appreciate elections that are truer to reality. We have two parties, with senate and assembly members that run under the party platforms, as well as a Presidential election that runs on single ticket with a Vice President, as well as a Senior Class President. It gets pretty heated! This is a busy week, the whole campus is immersed in campaigning. We even have an Attorney General to ensure elections rules are being followed!

mauricio eduardo said...

Brd you did such an awesome job at this! I LOVE it!!

Jeffrey Bennett said...

Yeah, we don't have anything like that. BYUSA isn't really student government, although the president of BYUSA is the student body president and sits on the President's Council with President Samuelson and the BYU Vice Presidents. However, it's officially the "BYU Student Service Association" and so it's mostly preoccupied with sponsoring clubs and events. For example, they ran the Basketball Sendoff tonight which was essentially a pep rally for our basketball teams as they go to the MWC tournament for the last time. There is no senate or assembly, no political parties, and definitely no Attorney General. Most people sort of just ignored at the election because BYUSA hasn't done a very good job at showing us how it impacts our lives as students.

No, I'm not involved in BYUSA. I probably will get involved a bit more when I get back from my mission, though. It depends on what clubs there are—I'll probably end up in the Friends of Latin America club, and then maybe help run BYUMUN or get involved with things like that.